10 Happiness Hacks to Instantly Lift Your Mood

Jenn Jensen
5 min readNov 28, 2020

It’s no secret that times are stressful and full of uncertainty. This is always true, regardless of what’s going on around us. But right now, in the midst of a growing global pandemic, extreme civil unrest, and utter political upheaval all at the same time, those words have never been more accurate.

Sometimes we just need to take a moment to decompress and remind ourselves that while life is stressful and always will be, our own personal growth depends largely on how we handle that stress and how we respond to it.

So next time one of life’s little surprises leaves you feeling blah, try one of these happiness hacks for a quick mood boost.

  1. Blast some tunes

Research shows that music can influence our moods. Play your favorite songs, and for an added benefit get up and dance, too.

There are literally tons of great options, but if you’re stuck trying to think of some, start here:

-Happy by Pharrell Williams

-Shut Up and Dance by Walk the Moon

-Feeling Good by Nina Simone

-Uptown Girl by Billy Joel

-I Will Survive by Gloria Gaynor

-The Tide Is High by Atomic Kitten

2. Power poses

Technically, the science is still out on this one, but many studies suggest that certain poses lift us up and provide a boost in confidence and, therefore, mood.

A few tried and true power poses are to lift your arms high above your head in a Y shape and either sit or stand in a wide V, or stand in a wide V with your hands on your hips. Hold the pose for 2 minutes.

Conversely, certain other poses, such as crossing your arms over your chest, hunching, and bad posture in general tend to rob us of our confidence and can bring us down.

3. Sweat it out

If it seems like exercise makes every list on how to make anything better, it’s because it pretty much does; it’s so good for everything. Exercise releases endorphins, which are a natural mood boosting chemical in the brain.

Walk around the block, find a Pilates routine online, or run up and down the stairs 10 times.

4. Attitude of gratitude

It’s hard to stay sour when you are acknowledging things that make you feel good in life. Take time to appreciate something great. It doesn’t have to be big — even something small counts.

But don’t just pay the idea lip service. It’s important to list things that you feel a true appreciation for. Sure, we can all get on board with singing birds and a sunny sky, but narrow it down to something more personal.

Did you have an exceptionally delicious lunch today? Were you able to catch a hilarious rerun of your favorite show? Or maybe someone let you merge lanes in a rather obnoxiously inconvenient traffic jam, your 3-year-old nephew gave you a random bear hug and expressed how much he loves you, or your mother-in-law told you she likes your outfit rather than her normal “I can see your belly in that shirt”.

5. Be kind

It is a proven fact that doing something nice for someone else makes us feel better.

Pay for the next customer’s coffee in the Dunkin’ drive thru. Find a windshield with a parking ticket and pay it anonymously. Put a quarter in the parking meter even though a nickel would suffice.

It feels good to make others feel good.

6. Cross something off your to-do list

Clean or organize something or complete a task you’ve been avoiding.

Dust your bookshelf. Wipe the week-old spaghetti-related explosion from your microwave. Alphabetize your DVDs like you’ve been wanting to do.

A feeling of accomplishment goes a long way toward a happy demeanor.

7. Memories

Look at pictures that make you smile or laugh or that bring up happy memories.

Photos from a recent road trip, a concert you attended with your best friends last summer, or your grandmother’s surprise 90th birthday party that allowed you to visit with family you haven’t seen in decades enables you to relive the occasion and brings about all the wonderful feelings you felt when it actually happened.

8. Vent

But don’t allow yourself to stew. Get it out and then get on.

Journal about your situation. Tell a friend or family member about what has you in a tizzy. Scream into a pillow.

Sometimes we just need to release our frustrations and then can move on.

9. Accept it

Sometimes things happen outside of our control.

Was it a simple mistake on your part or someone else’s? Forgive the mistake maker. Could the circumstances have been avoided? If yes, learn from it. If not, move on. Is it really as bad as you are making it out to be? Likely no, as few things are.

10. Consider a change in scenery

The media, the company we keep, others’ opinions, and our environment in general affect our moods more than most of us realize. If you find your state of mind negatively affected by what is going on around you, a change of scenery might help.

Change the TV channel, or better yet turn it off altogether. Go to a different room, or at least to a different part of the one you’re in. Take a break from social media. Stop hanging out with your emotionally draining brother-in-law.

If you are aware of something specific that brings you down, take steps to eliminate, or at least reduce, it from your life.

Life will be tough at times. The point isn’t to make everything into something positive or avoid what’s wrong. On the contrary, actually. Life will knock you down, kick you in the stomach, and spit on you, making it hard to pretend everything is just fine.

So, whatever your struggle — face it. Deal with it. Scream and yell and vent about it. Then accept it, learn from it, and find a way to move past it, or at least live with it.

After all, that’s what personal growth is



Jenn Jensen

Freelance writer. Blogger. Personal growth extraordinaire.